Vilstrup Kirke

Church in Vilstrup where Oluf grew up

Vilstrup kirke

Knud Peter Nissen's grave

Weathervane of Vilstrup Kirke

Vilstrup church with clouds

Vilstrup church with clouds; Elke working in the graveyard

Vilstrup church with clouds; Elke working in the graveyard

Other side of the church

Knud Peter Nissen's grave (Oluf's father)

The grave of Oluf's godmother and godfather

Oluf's great-great-grandfather's grave

Oluf's great-grandfather's grave

Oluf's grandfather's gravestone

The grave of Oluf's godmother and godfather

Church and entryway cross

Made with JAlbum 7.1
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)